
Jared Gill

Software Engineer

Chicago, IL



University of Maryland

2016 - 2020

Bachelors Degree in Computer Science


- Data Access Management

- Cloud Data Platforms

* Snowflake

* Databricks

* AWS Redshift

* Google BigQuery

* Azure Synapse

- SaaS development


- PostgreSQL


* AllenNLP - ELMo


- TypeScript

- Python

- Java

- Scala

- C

Work Experience

Software Engineer / Immuta
March 2020 - Present

Primarily developed integrations with cloud data platforms, including Snowflake and Databricks, to enforce native data security and access management. Developed in a SaaS first environment. Part of the Application Support team, completing development tasks, as well as collaborating with cross-functional colleagues in Customer Success. Worked directly with customers to provide product support as subject matter expert. Resolved over 250 product escalations. Promoted to SE2 in recognition of exceptional performance. Responded to P1 incidents by implementing product changes that directly resolved customer issues in a time efficient manner. Contributed to product planning using perspective gained from working with customers to improve user experience.

Software Engineer / Northrop Grumman
Aug 2020 - Feb 2021

Developed a secure Mac platform for sale to customers. Regularly programmed within Kernel space and modified open source projects to complete program requirements. Organized large, complex tasking efforts and consistently improved workflow and environment.

Software Engineering Intern / Vectorworks
Jan 2020 - Mar 2020

Worked independently on product code base in C++ to update a core user tool.

Research Assistant / National Institute of Standards and Technology
Nov 2020 - Jan 2020

Assisted with the new High End Visualization (HEV) development by reviewing and converting various high-level demos, commands, and components. Evaluated high-level tools and operating procedures supporting HEV and VR CAVE.

Intern / Northrop Grumman
Jun 2019 - Aug 2019

Took a leadership role on a team which developed an application using NLP. Worked in Agile software development and coordinated with professional staff daily. Reduced the time needed to extract information from narrative reporting within the cyber domain.


Build it Break it Bank

- Constructed a cryptographically secure Bank and ATM client/server communication protocol.

- Product was attacked by other students and remained secure.

- Exploited several vulnerabilities in classmate’s projects.

Timecrawler Video Game

- As a small team, worked on a small team of students to develop a game within two months.

- Modified existing assets as well as created custom gameplay systems to create a unique experience.

- Created a procedurally generated map and scalable level design tools.

- Link to demo

Block Assessment Survey App

- Interfaced with customer in order to establish app goals, requirements, and features.

- Worked in a team to develop app for android devices using Kotlin and Android Firebase.

- Presented our results and was informed by the customer that we exceeded their goals.

- Link to demo

Phillips Virtual Culture Research Stream

- Through the First-Year Innovation & Research Experience (FIRE), developed a virtual reality application to engage visitors at the Phillips Collection museum in DC.